Getting Started with HQ+

Getting Started with HQ+

Getting Started with HQ+

Welcome to HQ+!
Let's help you get started. Watch the video and follow the steps below.

Step 1:
Sign in through the button on the homepage, then enter your details.

Step 2:

Upgrade your subscription.

If you are on the free profile there will be a popup inviting you to upgrade. If you are happy with your current subscription just click 'Maybe, next time'.

Step 3:

Setup your publicly viewable Web Profile.

Select 'Web Profile' from the 'Tools' section of the menu.

Step 4:
Enter you 'Web Profile Name' and click SAVE at the bottom of the page.
This will act as the public URL for your Web Profile.
PLEASE NOTE: If you change this web profile name at any point, your public URL will also change.

Step 5:
Fill out the rest of the detail on the Web profile form as you wish them to be displayed to the public. Make changes here at any time. Make sure you click SAVE to make the changes live to the public.
Step 6:
Upload your photo.
Click on the upload icon  at the top right corner of the page. Then click on the big + to upload your profile picture.
We highly recommend you use a SQUARE image, as this will display best in all formats.

Step 7:

Setup your publicly testimonials on your Wall of Trust.

Select 'Wall of Trust' from the 'Tools' section of the menu.

Step 8:
To upload a new testimonial scroll don the page and click '+ NEW IMAGE'
Then click on the big + to upload a picture of you and your client.

Step 9:
Once the photo has uploaded and appeared on screen, fill out the rest of the details of the testimonial.
Click on SUBMIT, then click on done.

Step 10:
To make your new testimonial visible to the public, scroll down to find it in your list of testimonials and click the STAR icon.

Step 11:
Check your new testimonial by going to your public Web Profile and refreshing your web browser.

Your basic information is now setup!
For the nest steps in preparing your HQ+ account please go to the next guide: Getting Started with HQ+ - Stage 2
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